Tonight is the first night of re-opening the HDCC for the 2022-2023 school year! Please see bullet points below regarding the HDCC info, rules and instructions for shoppers, volunteers and donations.
- Open the 3rd Thursday of the month from 4:30pm-6:00pm (September - May)
- Located at 1034 S. Lincoln Ave. (behind Robinson Schools)
*To enter, you will need to travel through the west side parking lot near the bus barn and you may drive through the west gates and travel behind the school toward the playground where you can park. Please DO NOT PARK on the asphalt lane, only in the grassy area as our tutoring buses may still be travelling through the pick up area to pick up students staying after school hours. Please BE CAUTIOUS of buses coming in and out of the bus barn area and DRIVE SLOWLY.
- DO NOT ARRIVE BEFORE 4:30PM as we still have dismissals taking place with our buses.
- The HDCC is ONLY for STUDENTS ENROLLED in the AURORA R8 SCHOOL DISTRICT and their immediate family.
-Please check in upon arrival for data collection &/or other information
-ALL ITEMS in the HDCC are FREE to take, however we do ask that you limit the amount of full size hygiene items to 1 per family (ex. shampoo, conditioner, body wash, etc.) and do not take more items than is truly needed so that others have the same shopping opportunity as you.
- We typically carry sizes 4T-2XL for both boys & girls as well as men & women.
- After you are done shopping, please bring your items to the front to "check out" so that we can bag up items for you.
- We are ALWAYS IN NEED of VOLUNTEERS!! Please feel free to show up at 4:30pm and check in. If you are new, a volunteer will show you what to do. We can use people to sort, restock, assist and check out shoppers in case that sounds of interest to you. Feel free to come for 30 minutes, an hour or the whole time we're open. You will need to be able to stand, bend over. carry and walk to volunteer.
- If you know you are coming to volunteer, please give me a heads up via email or text at 417-236-3557.
- If you have donations to drop off, please do so between the HDCC open hours. If this timeframe does not work, please schedule an appt with me to drop off.
- We will accept donations that are new or gently used. Please make sure all items being donated are school appropriate.
- We DO NOT ACCEPT the following items:
-ripped, stained or obscene clothing
-clothing from other school districts
-high heel shoes
-clothing with missing buttons &/or zippers
-used hygiene items or underwear