Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members, 

Listed below is an update regarding the current number of students and employees quarantined or positive for COVID.  The numbers also include released students and employees.  Currently, there are 2 active instances of quarantine and 0 positive cases (2 in quarantine and 0 positive cases).  Overall, the district has experienced 609 total cases with 514 placed in quarantine due to close contact and 95 positive cases through March 29, 2021.  

While these numbers change daily, we will continue to update on a weekly basis.  The time off due to inclement weather appeared to help the COVID numbers.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 678-3373 (office), 229-0277 (cell) or email


Billy Redus


Totals for the Year-2020-2021


Employees-Quarantined-5 (5 Released), Positive-10 (10 Released)

Students-Quarantined-120 (120 Released), Positive-3 (3 Released)


Employees-Quarantined-16 (16 Released), Positive-14 (14 Released)

Students-Quarantined-138 (138 Released), Positive-11 (11 Released)

Junior High

Employees-Quarantined-5 (5 Released), Positive-3 (3 Released)

Students-Quarantined-82 (81 Released), Positive-10 (10 Released)

High School

Employees-Quarantined-9 (9 Released), Positive-14 (14 Released)

Students-Quarantined-138 (137 Released), Positive-26 (26 Released)

Central Office

Employees-Quarantined-1 (1 Released), Positive-4 (4 Released)

Overall for the District

Total Cases (Both Quarantine and Positive)-609

Total Positives-95

Total Quarantines-514

Current Cases

Active Positives-0

Active Quarantines-2

Released (Both Quarantine and Positive)-607