June 17, 2020
Dear Parents and Community Members,
A lock down situation occurred at Robinson School this afternoon. At approximately 1:45 p.m., Aurora PD called building personnel and asked the school be placed on lock down due to a situation in the neighborhood surrounding the Robinson building. A threat was made against Aurora PD. The threat DID NOT include any school staff or students, but was traced back to an area close to the school, which led to the lock down.
School officials took immediate action and secured all access points to the building. The students were all secured and accounted for by building staff. The lock down continued until given the all clear from the Aurora PD.
Thanks to the students and staff for acting quickly during this situation. They followed set protocol to ensure the safety of all in the building. Also, thanks to the members of the Aurora PD for ensuring the safety of our students by initiating the lock down for preventative measures and securing the campus.
Please do not hesitate to call the Central Office if you have any questions regarding this, or any other event.